The effects of the square wave cycle, phase, duty cycle and the fiber coil group delay and amplifier gain bandwidth on the bias error of closed-loop FOG were analyzed by simulating and testing. 通过仿真和测试分析了调制方波的周期、相位、占空比、光纤环的群延时以及放大电路的增益带宽对陀螺输出偏置的影响。
The device is features very high input impedance, super high CMRR, low noise and wide gain bandwidth. 该放大器具有高输入阻抗、高共模抑制比、低噪声和宽频带等特性。
In order to configure gain and optical bandwidth appropriately, a concept of the gain bandwidth product is introduced. 通过引入增益带宽积的概念,以均衡增益与带宽。
A high-speed amplifier topology with low-pass filter network and its optimization design methodology based on the theory of gain bandwidth restricting condition and the characteristic analysis for low-pass network are proposed in this paper. 提出了一种具有低通网络的高速放大器拓扑,基于增益带宽约束条件和低通网络的特性的研究对高速放大器进行了优化设计。
And we found that the gain bandwidth of two and three cavities VCSOA is increased by170% as compared to the single cavity VCSOA. 对双腔和三腔结构的VCSOA的研究结果表明,相对于单腔结构VCSOA,其增益带宽水平提高了170%以上。
Under such situation, the effect of gain bandwidth and inhomogeneous broadening for the amplification of ultrabroad bandwidth pulse in fiber amplifier becomes important. 在这种趋势下,增益介质的带宽和非均匀加宽效应在放大过程中的作用越来越明显,因此分析增益带宽以及非均匀加宽效应对宽带脉冲放大的影响就显得很重要了。
The maximum frequency of RC-bridge oscillator is 16.67% of gain bandwidth product of amplifier analyzed based on a first-order single time constant lowpass function model. 运用一阶单时间常数低通函数模拟运算放大器的开环增益,对RC桥式振荡电路进行线性分析,得出最大振荡频率为运算放大器增益带宽积的16.67%。
Influences of the number of pump, input power and wavelength distribution on Raman gain are studied. Relations among gain bandwidth, on-off gain, gain flatness and the number of pump of MBRA are revealed. 基于该简化模型和优化方法研究多泵浦光源的个数、输入功率和波长分布对信号拉曼增益的影响,揭示拉曼放大器增益带宽、开关增益、增益平坦度、泵浦数目等主要参数之间的内在联系。
An Investigation of the Gain Bandwidth Product of Amplifiers 放大器增益&带宽积的研究
Based on summarization of the wideband erbium doped fiber amplifiers, methods of widening the flattened gain bandwidth of fiber Raman amplifiers are presented, as well as advances in research of the devices. 在总结宽带掺铒光纤放大器的基础上,介绍了展宽光纤Raman放大器平坦增益带宽的基本方法和研究现状。
The effects of operational amplifier gain bandwidth on the performances of Sallen and Key Low-pass active-RC filter are described in this paper. A method of compensating these effects is presented. 本文阐述了运算放大器带宽增益对Sallen-KeyRC有源低通滤波器性能的影响,提出了一种补偿这些影响的方法。
The broad gain bandwidth can be obtained by selecting the dispersion parameter of DDF. 选取色散缓变光纤的色散参量可以获得较大的增益带宽。
In high frequency applications of the Sallen and Key filter, the gain bandwidth of the operational amplifier can seriously degrade the performance of the filter. Sallen-Key滤波器在高频下工作时,由于运算放大器的带宽增益的下降,会严重地恶化滤波器的性能。
The dual rate sampling topology breaks the traditional restrictions of filter introduced by unit gain bandwidth and slew rate of operational amplifiers and also improves effectively their performances in high frequency applications. 同时,该双采样拓扑结构突破了滤波器受运放单位增益带宽和转换速率的传统约束,有效地改善了其高频应用性能。
The front end buffer can obtain a 22 MHz unity gain bandwidth and a very tiny amplifier input capacitance. 这个前置缓冲放大器可以达到22MHz的单位增益带宽和很小的运放输入电容。
The excellent performance of the fiber optical parametric amplifier in which not only provides a flat gain, but also has a very wide gain bandwidth. 光纤参量放大器的优良性能体现在它不仅能够提供平坦的增益,而且有着很宽的增益带宽。
The spatial distribution of pump wave has a great influence on gain bandwidth, output wavefront, conversion efficiency and so on. 其中泵浦光的空间分布对系统的增益带宽、输出光波形以及转换效率等方面影响很大。
The influence of the structural parameters of single-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier including pump power, pump wavelength, fiber dispersion slope, fiber nonlinear coefficient and fiber length on its gain bandwidth are studied. 研究了单泵浦光纤参量放大的配置参数,如泵浦功率、泵浦波长、光纤色散斜率、光纤非线性系数、光纤长度等对光纤参量放大增益带宽的影响。
According to all kinds of effect, several methods and advices are proposed to improve the gain bandwidth of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification. These methods are very useful instruction to produce higher intensity and shorter pulses. 分析各种不同条件下的影响结果,我们还提出了改善光参量啁啾脉冲放大系统的增益带宽的实际方法和建议,为实现支持更窄脉冲、更宽光谱的参量放大提供理论上的指导。
In the gain saturation regime, the pulse with larger gain coefficient, smaller gain bandwidth, smaller effective mode area begins to decrease more quickly. 在增益饱和情况下,在较大的增益系数,较小的增益带宽以及较小的有效模面积条件下的脉冲其时间延迟和脉冲展宽因子开始随着增益的增加下降的更快。
FOPA relying on four-wave mixing ( FWM) can not only amplify at any arbitrary wavelength in theory, but also provide broader gain bandwidth and exhibit noise figure. 基于四波混频(FWM)效应的FOPA不仅在理论上可以对任意波长信号进行放大,而且还具有低噪声和较宽平坦增益等优点。
The in-phase integrator and reverse-phase integrator which are both not sensitive to parasitic capacitor are chosen in the filter design. The CMOS two-stage operational amplifier which has the high DC gain and unity gain bandwidth is used to form the integrator. 设计中采用了对寄生电容不敏感的反相积分器和同相积分器,积分器中的运算放大器选择具有较高直流开环增益和较大单位增益带宽的CMOS两级运放。
In the system of Optical parametric chirped pulse amplification pumped with non-homochromatic light, impact of the bandwidth and the angularly dispersion of pump light on the gain and the gain bandwidth of the optical parametric amplification are theoretically studied. 四.研究了非单色光泵浦的光参量啁啾脉冲放大系统中,泵浦光的谱宽和角色散对增益带宽的影响。
With its broad gain bandwidth and high optical conversion efficiency, Yb-doped silica fiber represents an attractive medium for the generation and amplification of high-energy ultra-short optical pulses in recent years. 近年来,掺镱光纤以其宽的增益带宽和高的光光转换效率,成为高能量的超短脉冲产生和放大的最有吸引力的介质,得到了越来越多的研究者的关注。
At a given pump power whose gain parameter is in the small signal regime, the time delay and pulse broadening factor increase with the increasing gain coefficient, whereas decrease with the increasing gain bandwidth and effective mode area. 2. 在固定泵浦功率并保证增益参数在小信号条件下,时间延迟和脉冲展宽因子均随着增益系数的增加而增加,随着增益带宽和有效截面积的增加而减少。
The results show that broadband pump light can also improve the gain bandwidth of the optical parametric amplification obviously. 结果表明采用宽带的泵浦光也可以明显改善参量放大的增益带宽。
Distributed Raman fiber amplifiers ( RFAs) hold a large number of advantages, including no restriction of gain bandwidth, low noise, and low nonlinear penalty. Now it is one of the hottest topics in broadband optics amplifiers. 分布式喇曼光纤放大器(RFA)具有增益带宽任意扩展性、低噪声和减小系统非线性效应等优点,成为宽带光放大器的研究热点。
The wider gain bandwidth and better flatness can be obtained by choosing pumping wavelength and power of pumping laser suitably. 通过选择合适的抽运波长和抽运功率,可以实现宽的增益带宽和高增益平坦度的光纤拉曼放大器。
The different modes switching can be realized by configuring Gain Bandwidth of the Operational Amplifier and the cutoff frequency of the filter. 通过配置运算放大器的单位增益带宽和滤波器的截止频率,可以实现不同模式间的切换。
The dependence of gain intensity and gain bandwidth upon the noncollinear, grating period and crystal angle are calculated. 得出了非共线角、光栅周期、晶体角度与增益强度和增益带宽之间的关系。